Monday, August 25, 2008

Eve of D-Day: Permatang Pauh

For breaking news and regular updates from "Ground Zero" Permatang Tinggi, go here:

For some words of wisdom from the blogosphere, go here:
  • Tukar Tiub - 24 Nabi adalah Yahudi (on the theory that Anwar is a Jewish agent)
For a Kisah Benar story on Anwar, go here:

And finally, for a prayer for Permatang Pauh and Malaysia, go here:

O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord,
not only of individuals but also of nations and governments.
We thank You for the graces you have given us to exerise our political charity in Malaysia.

We also thank You for the opportunities of free choice offered to the people of the constituency of Permatang Pauh for electing a leader.
Lord God, give them the courage to exercise their solemn duty as citizens of Malaysia to vote on behalf of the whole nation!
Guide those voters with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit so that they may choose a suitable and trustworthy candidate to become the next Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Quote: from The Catholic Herald, August 17 2008. (Used without permission since I feel we don't need permission from anyone to pray!)